Where do we look to find out about God?
The people of Israel looked to the mighty deeds that God had
done on their behalf, especially freeing them from slavery in Egypt and leading
them into a good land. Early Christians
looked to the words and deeds of Jesus, and especially to his resurrection,
another mighty act of God.
Over time, both Jews and Christians assembled stories and writings
that testified to God’s actions on our behalf.
Now people could find out about God through those Scriptures, the Bible.
As time passed and the Christian churches grew, they found
it necessary to authorize leaders to gather in order to regulate the life of
the community. Synods and councils met
and part of their work was to present the heart of Christian teaching in a way
that met new challenges but was also faithful to the Scriptures and to the
story of God’s mighty works. They
composed statements of belief (creeds) and other teachings to explain them
(doctrines). Here was another source for
finding out about God.
That’s where St. Augustine comes in. As bishop of the town of Hippo in North
Africa, he certainly taught his own people and, through letters and other
writings, taught far-away Christians as well.
But one of his works, the Confessions,
stands out from the rest. In it,
Augustine tells his own story in the form of an extended prayer to the God who
had saved him. His message seems to be:
“Here is how God acted in my life. Pay
attention to how God is acting in yours!”
Here was another source for learning about God—looking into
our own experience! I wonder whether
Augustine, in his own theological vein, was doing something similar to the
early hermits and monks who had begun to separate themselves from ordinary life
in order to look deep into their own hearts and find God there.
Sometimes today, Catholics are suspicious of people who talk about their religious
experience, especially if they want to change something in our religion. Certainly, we always need to be careful as we
try, like our forebears, to be faithful both to the tradition we have received
and to new conditions that may be calling us to growth. But if God can act in the world, if the
Spirit moves in our hearts, if Augustine is right, then we can never discount
our experience as a source for knowing God. This way of knowing is part of our
tradition, too.
One of my favorite passages from the Second Vatican Council
makes the point. In Dei Verbum, the document on
divine revelation, the bishops wrote: "The tradition that comes from the
apostles makes progress in the church, with the help of the Holy Spirit. There is a growth in insight into the
realities and words that are being passed on.
This comes about through the contemplation and study of believers who
ponder these things in their hearts (see Lk 2: 19 and 51). It comes from the intimate sense of spiritual
realities which they experience. And it
comes from the preaching of those who, on succeeding to the office of bishop,
have received the sure charism of truth.
Thus, as the centuries go by, the church is always advancing towards the
plenitude of divine truth, until eventually the words of God are fulfilled in
it." (Dei Verbum, #8)
Look at that quotation carefully. The bishops are saying that the growth and
development of the tradition depends not only upon the official teaching of the
bishops, but upon the reflection of believers and upon their sense of their own
spiritual experience. One of the great
unrealized challenges of the Council is this:
how do we find ways to put the reflection of the faithful on our
religious experience into conversation with the official teaching of the
There are a number of areas in which there is a gap between
official church teachings and the practice of many Catholics. Sexuality is probably the most obvious
one. What effect might it have on a
Catholic understanding of sexuality if the bishops were to pay attention in a
serious way to the experiences of believers in this area, whether those
believers are single or married, straight or lesbian or gay? What if they were to
ask, “Where, in your experience of sexuality, do you find God? What, in your experience, leads you away from
God and others?” It is impossible to
know what might result. But I believe
that we owe it to our living tradition to try.
And we owe it to St. Augustine.
2012 Andrew K. Bechman